Maxime F. Lesage has defended his thesis for the PhD degree – A framework for evaluating deep sea mining systems for seafloor massive sulphides deposits


Maxime F. Lesage has defended his thesis for the PhD degree. The title of the academic thesis was: «A framework for evaluating deep sea mining systems for seafloor massive sulphides deposits».  The Assesment Commitee consisted of Professor Elisabeth Clausen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Senior Researcher Rüdiger Ulrich Franz von Bock und Polach, Technische Universität Hamburg, Germany and Professor Tor Berge Gjersvik. Professor Tor Berge Gjersvik has been the Administrator of the Committee. Associate Professor Steinar Løve Ellefmo, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, has been the candidate’s main supervisor. Professor Stein Ove Erikstad, Department of Marine Technology, has been the candidate’s co-supervisor.

Congratulations, Maxime!
