Marine minerals are emerging as a potential source of securing critical metals to meet the projected demand by the transition from fossil fuel into a renewable energy system, which is more mineral intensive.
Promoting a common understanding of the material Environmental-, Social- and Governance (ESG) topics for the marine minerals industry is important for the industry to achieve the social licence to operate, meet global stakeholder expectations, and develop in a responsible manner.
The purpose of the guidance document is to enable transparent and consistent reporting of material ESG topics of marine mineral projects in the context of global standards.
The Marine Minerals ESG Handbook project has developed the first edition of an ESG disclosure framework for the marine minerals industry. The material ESG topics of the industry have been identified and disclosure metrics have been defined. This has been done through a 2-year, iterative process with involvement of marine mineral developers, contractors, financial institutions, science institutions, Non-Governmental Organisations, and regulators.
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